Friday, December 26, 2014

Top 10 Games of 2014

10. Infamous: Second Son

I don't really have much to say about this game. I bought it, played it, and then put it away. I had fun with it, but ultimately felt no real desire to go back and play it again. If I could do it all over again, I would just rent this one.

9. Goat Simulator

I agonized a little bit adding this one to the list, since it isn't so much a game as it is a big dicking-around simulator. It's basically a joke. Yet, for reasons that I cannot quantifiably justify, I continue to have a ton of fun just bouncing around, exploring, destroying scenery, and figuring out new ways to make things even more absurd. I mean, one of the most recent things I did was build a goat with the power to spin up a tornado and arbitrarily spawn sperm whales. Afterward, I started tearing through town surrounded by a whale vortex (see screenshot).

8. Mario Kart 8

This eighth entry in the series has probably become my second favourite. Double Dash is still the best, but this one is fun enough that I can see myself playing it for quite a while. Plus, it features the princesses in skin-tight motorcycle suits. I think I need a cold shower...

7. Banished

I was pleasantly surprised by this game. To greatly oversimplify things, it's a city-building sim. However, it has a much greater focus on survival. Your charges can't return to where they came from (hence the name), so it's up to you to ensure they have enough food, fuel, and shelter to survive the brutal seasons. My only real issue is that the late-game becomes nearly impossible. The AI isn't bright enough to decide that claiming a house and claiming a job on opposite sides of the map isn't a good idea in the icy winter. Once your city becomes large enough, this becomes a very big issue.

6. Super Smash Bros for Wii U

Seriously, what am I going to say here? It's a new Smash Bros game. Of course it's good. It even has Rosalina in it. What more could you want?

5. Dragon Age: Inquisition

I have to admit, I almost didn't buy this one. I thought the first Dragon Age was boring. And though I did enjoy the second game, it left much to be desired in the story department. Fortunately, the newest game in the series solved all of the problems. The story was amazing, and it went something like this: you become the leader of a worldwide inquisition with the purpose of eternally and justly collecting more elfroot. You can never have enough of this plant gathered and it is your job, dear leader, to collect it. Oh, there are also some fun characters and other stuff going on in the background, but whatever.

4. Tropico 5

Tropico is an amazing game series. It has solid gameplay and a hilarious sense of humour. I must admit, however, that I felt the gameplay was starting to stagnate. It didn't play much better than the original game all of those years ago. Thankfully, the gods heard my melancholy and graced the world with the newest and greatest game in the series. It cleared up almost every annoyance with the old games, while still keeping the core gameplay intact. It wasn't even a Faustian bargain. The improvements were not offset by the inclusion of nonsensical new features that nobody asked for! My only regret is that Miss Pineapple did not make as many appearances. Oh well, I suppose I can hold out hope for the Mistress Pineapple DLC.

3. Child of Light

People who know me know that I generally dislike RPGs. For an RPG to make it onto my Top 10, and even make it to the No. 3 spot, says something about this game. I find myself comparing it to Paper Mario (in my opinion, one of the greatest games ever made). It has a small cast of fascinating characters, a story that is both simple and complex, and just the right pacing that doesn't make it feel like a grind. And, might I add, it is jaw-droppingly pretty. The UbiArt framework is an amazing tool and I hope to see more coming out of it.

2. Wolfenstein: The New Order

When I first purchased this game, I expected it to be a dumb shooter where you ran around shooting Nazis. "Can never kill enough Nazis," I thought. Instead, I found one of the deepest and most immersive games I've ever played. The scenes that play out in front of you are both sickening and frightening, and you feel yourself, as a player, wanting revenge against the people who did these things to you and your virtual comrades. Even the stealth sections, the bane of most run-and-gun shooters, is handled well. Even if you screw it up, you can just say "oh well" and mow enemies down with a minigun without being significantly punished.

1. Luftrausers

This game hits the perfect sweet spot between simplicity and frustration. Its controls are so plain that they can probably be mapped to an NES controller with a few of the buttons missing. Playing the game, though, has that fun arcade feeling to it. You start from scratch every time and just fly around shooting at things while trying to not get things shot at you. Easier said than done, obviously. A lot of things really want to shoot at you, and it only gets worse as time progresses. But every time you play, you want to see if you can surpass your previous playthrough. It gets addicting as your body fills with vengeful fervour until you want to mentally crush every battleship and ace jet you see. Oh, and don't get me start on SFMT mode, this game's unlockable "hard" difficulty. That just takes NES levels of difficulty and multiplies it by 100 units of pure bullshit. Nevertheless, this game is amazing, and I will probably continue playing well outside of 2014.

Honorable Mentions:

Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley

Natsume's first foray into making a Harvest Moon game from scratch was commendable, but suffered slightly from grating controls and pacing issues.

Team Fortress 2

This one is disqualified because it, technically, came out in 2007. Damned if it wasn't the game I played most in 2014, though.

Broken Age

An immersive point-and-click adventure that somehow managed to not suffer from the deadly curse of adventure game logic. Sadly, it was disqualified for being unceremoniously chopped in half into two(?) episodes.

Game of Thrones

(the Telltale Games game)
Wow, this was amazingly engaging and brutal, but must be disqualified for the year because only one episode was released for it. Better luck next year, guys!

The Sims 4

The newest Sims game plays well and all, but it just feels ridiculously oversimplified from the previous entries. At least the character models look better. I might even make some non-lesbian sims this time! (Haha, who am I kidding?)

Monday, August 11, 2014

Otakon 2014

Dawn of the First Day - 72 Hours Remain -

Achievement Unlocked: Avoid Friday registration line by picking up badge on Thursday

Fighting the good fight

Black Widow is totally jealous about Tony's higher popularity

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Jimbo's Anime Season - Spring 2014

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
a.k.a. Mahouka? I hardly know hah!
Genre: fantasy/scifi

Tatsuya never changes facial expressions

I'm still trying to decide if this counts as fantasy or scifi. It takes the idea that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic and runs with it. In this world, magic is synonymous with advanced technology. As usual, this advanced technology usually takes the form of weaponry.

I must admit, I have a soft-spot for direct, analytical main characters with little regard for social norms. The male protagonist in this series tickles that little region of the brain, and explains why it's my top anime for the season. My only worry is that it'll take itself too seriously as the series progresses and just become a chore to sit through.

a.k.a. No More Mr. Nisekoi
Genre: romcom

You can tell which one is the main character. Hint: It's the guy surrounded by the most women.

This one is a carry-over from last season. It's legitimately funny and not boring, and I look forward to every episode. The big thing that sticks out to me is how they introduce a new love interest halfway through the series, turning the love triangle into a love three-legged-stool. It just felt so sudden and unnatural, as if she was shoehorned in to pad out another half of a season. Still, this new character brought out some of the funniest moments, so I'm willing to forgive.

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii
a.k.a. The Engrish, It Burns! Anime
Genre: fantasy/comedy

Apparently, wives are chosen by rock-paper-scissors now. That must be what I've been doing wrong all these years.

I've been sitting here for about ten minutes trying to think of something clever to say about this, but I'm coming up empty. It's about a woman with the ability to summon rain with her voice getting married to the young king of a country with constant sunshine. It's a funny and interesting series, but all I can come up with is "something something stick it where the sun don't shine." That's all for tonight, folks. Good night, and good luck.

Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin
a.k.a. Ryuugajou Nanananananananananananananananana BATMAN!
Genre: adventure

Who would just throw away a perfectly good anime girl like that?

I kinda like the idea of friendly ghosts. They'd be useful. They can eavesdrop on people, check the weather outside, check if the milk is empty, and more! All without you having to leave the couch (I'd imagine spouses are similar).

Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah, this is a series about a friendly ghost. It has some sort of video game-like plot involving the acquisition of some collection of MacGuffins. I'm not really sure where this series is going yet, but it has potential. I'm still reserving judgment.

Dragonar Academy
a.k.a. The "I Can't Believe It's Not Rie Kugimiya" Anime
Genre: ecchi

"I hope Scuba Diver-kun notices my new ribbon~" doki doki

Oh tsundere characters, will you ever just die and never come back? Really, you've overstayed your welcome. It was funny the first time, but you can't just keep recycling the same character and expect the same reaction. And I truly mean the exact same character. Save for maybe hair colour, they are all interchangeable. It's old; it's tired; I don't want to see it anymore.

What, you want to know about the anime? It has tits, panty shots, and a budget of about two dollars. If it doesn't do anything drastically different, it is in serious danger of being abandoned.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Jimbo's Anime Season - Winter 2014

Golden Time
a.k.a. The Second Coming of Christ on Earth
Genre: romcom
Everybody's scared before trying something new and exciting

Golden Time is a return from last season. Perhaps its most defining feature is that it doesn't take place in high/middle school. It seems like you just can't have a romantic-comedy without setting it in grade school. I mean, I get it. It's a convenient setting. All of the characters are forced to meet in the same place every day. Lots of opportunities to get the main characters together. Golden Time decides to mix things up and have the story set during college. With that minor change, the characters are forced to meet in the same place every day, with lots of opportunities to get the protagonists together. Way to push the envelope, guys!

Laying aside the gripe hammer, Golden Time is still my favourite of the season. Basically, Male Protagonist (they're all basically the same character, regardless of series) has amnesia and has to wrestle with his current self and his forgotten self. In the process, he falls for Kouko, a psychopath. I cannot underplay this enough. The girl is bananas. Nevertheless, her attractive figure and long hair are enough to make Male Protagonist overlook her glaring personality flaws and get together. Then a bunch of stuff happens, and now we're here.

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren
a.k.a. Ero Eyepatch Anime 2: ElectRikka Boogaloo
Genre: romcom
I wish I had the ability to summon porn out of nowhere. Oh, wait, I have a laptop.

I'm not sure I get this anime. It seems like KyoAni's way of saying, "look at how much money we have!" On the outside, it's your standard high school romcom, but every episode seems to have a very expensive-looking fantasy fight scene. It's silly! The plot is nonexistent. It drips with moƩ nonsense. Male Protagonist sounds like Lelouch (after writing this, I looked this up and confirmed that they are, in fact, the same voice actor. Please feel free to ignore this gripe. Or this entire post, for that matter).

This series does one thing right. It gives geeks like me something to talk about. Ask a group of us to pick a favourite character and there will be gnashed teeth and rended garments (oh, it's Touka, by the way. For best character). For all of its faults, it is cute and funny and stupid enough to chit-chat about.

a.k.a. No More Mr. Nisekoi
Genre: romcom
This scene makes no sense out of context, but I don't care since the faces are so funny

I don't know why I even bothered adding the genres for this list. They're all the same. Nisekoi is a romantic-comedy from Shaft. Male Protagonist is forced into a marriage with a beatiful blonde girl to preclude a gang war. Naturally, they don't like each other. Hilarity ensues.

Sakura Trick
a.k.a. That Yuri Anime
Genre: romcom

Oh my, what kind of picture did you think I'd post?

So let me get this straight, it's a series about girls making out with each other. I'm pretty sure there are other Internet sites that... oh, it's not meant to be dirty? How does that even work? Oh, they made a slice-of-life series that just happens to feature girls kissing. Aww, look at them. They're adorable!

Sorry, it's impossible to write a fair review because this series gives viewers a sugar imbalance.

Mikakunin de Shinkoukei
a.k.a. The Anime That Will Be Forgotten a Month After It Ends
Genre: romcom
I'm not sure what the animators were thinking when they let this frame slip through
I'll be honest; I don't even remember what this series was about. I think it had something to do with an arranged marriage and some girl with a down-to-earth personality? I dunno. It goes in one ear and out the other. It's a series that fills the gap while waiting for episodes of other, more interesting series.

Saturday, January 11, 2014