Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Jimbo's Anime Season - Spring 2015

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO!
a.k.a. Making Anime Titles is Hard
Genre: political drama (okay, not really)

The character in the foreground is technically walking toward the side,
but it sure doesn't seem like it when this frame is taken out of context.

Okay, maybe I'm making fun of the title too much. Maybe it's because it's in English. According to Google Translate, the Japanese title is more along the lines of "Again my youth romantic comedy is wrong. Continue". Well, it doesn't really change the fact that the title is basically the genre. Oh sure, they claim it's wrong, or that situation normal is all fncked up, but if we're all honest we can admit that it's a romantic comedy anyway.

Putting aside the title, I'm liking the series. I enjoyed the first season and was surprised to see a second. Usually for these types of things they'll make one season and then abandon it. I'm glad they decided to continue this one. The characters have interesting personalities without being overwhelming. Meanwhile, the conflicts and goals between them seem deeper than the veneer of comedy lets on.

a.k.a. No More Mr. Nisekoi Colon
Genre: romcom

Thankfully, this series has no shortage of silly faces.

Again with the title shenanigans? Seriously, what does the colon even mean? Are anime series just too cool to use numbers? Or, hell, just use the same name from the first season. People will realize that it's a new season when they see it and say, "hey, new episodes!"

Anyway, this is season two, and in traditional harem-comedy style, each episode is a loosely connected crisis that seems to slightly advance the plot while, in fact, not moving anywhere. While I do find the characters fun, I am kinda hoping this will be the last season. It's good and all, but lets put this series to bed before it overstays its welcome.

My Love Story!!
a.k.a. My Love Story Exclamation Point Exclamation Point
Genre: romcom

Pop quiz: Which character do you think is the main character?

That's two exclamation points in the title. Two. You'd think this was a second season of the series. But you would be wrong. This is the first season. First world anarchists right here.

I actually started reading the manga before I even learned an anime series was coming out. Admittedly, the story is really dumb, but it's just so darn adorable. It's the aspartame of anime series. Sure, it'll probably give me cancer, but it's so delicious that I've convinced myself I'm okay with it.

Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan
a.k.a. Hey, Still Technically Better than Endless Eight
Genre: romcom

The money shot

How can you betray me like this? Yuki Nagato is my favourite anime character of all time. Of all time. She was a calm and cool badass with effective omniscience and omnipotence.

This "Yuki Nagato" is not that. Now she's just a boring, bespectacled library girl. I mean, I know the external circumstances to this scenario's existence (see The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya), but that doesn't make things any less dull. I feel like this series would've been a complete non-starter if it wasn't riding on the (admittedly flagging) popularity of the Haruhi Suzumiya franchise.

On the bright side, this series may usher in a new wave of Yuki Nagato collectibles, which I whole-heartedly endorse.