Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Jimbo's Anime Season - Spring 2014

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
a.k.a. Mahouka? I hardly know hah!
Genre: fantasy/scifi

Tatsuya never changes facial expressions

I'm still trying to decide if this counts as fantasy or scifi. It takes the idea that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic and runs with it. In this world, magic is synonymous with advanced technology. As usual, this advanced technology usually takes the form of weaponry.

I must admit, I have a soft-spot for direct, analytical main characters with little regard for social norms. The male protagonist in this series tickles that little region of the brain, and explains why it's my top anime for the season. My only worry is that it'll take itself too seriously as the series progresses and just become a chore to sit through.

a.k.a. No More Mr. Nisekoi
Genre: romcom

You can tell which one is the main character. Hint: It's the guy surrounded by the most women.

This one is a carry-over from last season. It's legitimately funny and not boring, and I look forward to every episode. The big thing that sticks out to me is how they introduce a new love interest halfway through the series, turning the love triangle into a love three-legged-stool. It just felt so sudden and unnatural, as if she was shoehorned in to pad out another half of a season. Still, this new character brought out some of the funniest moments, so I'm willing to forgive.

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii
a.k.a. The Engrish, It Burns! Anime
Genre: fantasy/comedy

Apparently, wives are chosen by rock-paper-scissors now. That must be what I've been doing wrong all these years.

I've been sitting here for about ten minutes trying to think of something clever to say about this, but I'm coming up empty. It's about a woman with the ability to summon rain with her voice getting married to the young king of a country with constant sunshine. It's a funny and interesting series, but all I can come up with is "something something stick it where the sun don't shine." That's all for tonight, folks. Good night, and good luck.

Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin
a.k.a. Ryuugajou Nanananananananananananananananana BATMAN!
Genre: adventure

Who would just throw away a perfectly good anime girl like that?

I kinda like the idea of friendly ghosts. They'd be useful. They can eavesdrop on people, check the weather outside, check if the milk is empty, and more! All without you having to leave the couch (I'd imagine spouses are similar).

Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah, this is a series about a friendly ghost. It has some sort of video game-like plot involving the acquisition of some collection of MacGuffins. I'm not really sure where this series is going yet, but it has potential. I'm still reserving judgment.

Dragonar Academy
a.k.a. The "I Can't Believe It's Not Rie Kugimiya" Anime
Genre: ecchi

"I hope Scuba Diver-kun notices my new ribbon~" doki doki

Oh tsundere characters, will you ever just die and never come back? Really, you've overstayed your welcome. It was funny the first time, but you can't just keep recycling the same character and expect the same reaction. And I truly mean the exact same character. Save for maybe hair colour, they are all interchangeable. It's old; it's tired; I don't want to see it anymore.

What, you want to know about the anime? It has tits, panty shots, and a budget of about two dollars. If it doesn't do anything drastically different, it is in serious danger of being abandoned.